Thank-you for your prayers!


We so appreciate your prayers! They mean the world to us!

“You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.”

Psalms 65:5 NLT

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Ongoing Prayer Needs

1. For the salvation of the J-1 students, their employers, their U.S sponsors, & agents.

2. For all events in 2022 to be productive.

3. For enough people to deliver backpacks to J-1 employers.

4. For enough front and back bike lights and reflective vests for each student.

5. For wisdom in planning events for 2022.

5. For each J-1 student to find safe and affordable housing in 2022!

6. For J-1 students who have received Jesus to continue in Him.

7. For all financial needs to be met.

8. For J-1 students to be safe. Every year, some students are hit by cars.

9. For students to be protected from traffickers, predators, and unsafe housing conditions.